英語を学ぶすべての人へ > ネイティブにきくTWE満点答案




Q1. このエッセイで高得点が取れたポイントはなんだと思われますか?。

@ 全体の構成が判りやすく直線的であること。

A 客観的な証拠で自分の意見をサポートしていること。

B エッセイで伝えたいメッセージが明瞭で、結論の中でそれが適切に繰り返されている。



Q1. このエッセイで高得点が取れたポイントはなんだと思われますか?。

This seems well constructed to me.



I have corrected the English here and there, and modified some sentences.



*** …… 必要だと思われる修正個所(文法・語法的に明らかに間違っている、など)
** …… 必ずしも必要ではないが、修正した方が非常に望ましいと思われる箇所
*  …… 修正した方がいい箇所だが、先生の主観的な意見・好みも入っているところ


TOPIC: What do you imagine life will be like in the 21st century? Please state your opinion using specific examples.

When I think of ***the life in the 21st century, only negative images occur to me. I believe people's **liveS in the next century will be much worse than what THEY ARE now. The way I see it, human beings will have to face a lot of complicated issues that are difficult to deal with *(in the next century). There are a couple of reasons I feel this way. Let me tell you **about each in turn.

Firstly, I believe the population explosion problem will be one ***of the most difficult challenges human beings ever *face. Right now, there are about 5.8 billion people on the earth, about 0.8 billion of whom do not have enough food to eat. That could mean our earth can only support  ***about 5 billion people. However, I *(have) read an article that tells me that by the year 2050, the **world population ***(will be) is estimated to reach 10 billion, about twice *that of today. The population explosion will certainly lead to worldwide *shortageS of food. Another world war might **even break out between countries with *and those without enough food.

Secondly, ** (the) environmental issues *pose a very difficult challenge. When I think of environmental issues, Minamata Disease comes to mind. It was an environmental disaster caused by methyl mercury emitted by a local plant in the 60's in Kumamoto prefecture, in Japan. What surprised me most about **this case was that *the effluents emitted by the plant were poisonous enough to *have killed as many as 200 million people. That could mean that *the effluents emitted by just one plant could have killed about twice as many people as Japan's whole population. Technology has made our life much more convenient. However, if we are not careful enough, ***it could destroy all *** (the) human beings.

***These are the reasons why I am pessimistic about **(people's) life in the 21st century. Besides the population explosion problem and the environmental issues, there will be other issues such as ***the Y2k bug, the nuclear arms ***(racing) race, the aging population and the decrease in birthrate in the developed countries, and so on. I do not think people's life will be better than now in the next century. Instead, we will be *(flooded) inundated with lots of difficult problems to deal with.




 理由がどうであれ上のエッセイがあれだけ修正されたということは、TWEで満点がとれるエッセイでも実際にネイティブが書く文章とは大きな開きがある、ということを表しているといえるでしょう(考えてみれば、TOEFLはTest of English as a Foreign Language、つまり「外国語としての」英語の試験ですから、TWEで高得点を取るエッセイが、全ての点においてネイティブのそれと同等ではない、ということはある意味当然といえば当然でしょう)。


@ 内容―30分で書かれた割には自分の意見が十分に立証され、メッセージが明瞭であったことこと。

A エッセイを仕上げるための技術的側面―全体の構成がアカデミックな英語ので要求される最低限の基準を満たしていたこと。




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英語を学ぶすべての人へ > ネイティブにきくTWE満点答案